Graduation, College, and Friendship


Well, it’s been a long, hard road, but I’ve done it.  I’ve achieved something that I’m very proud of: I’ve graduated high school, finally.  After all those busy late-nights, I’ve successfully gotten my high school diploma, which now sits presentably in my room.  Now I’m ready for another milestone: college.

Right now, I’ve started a summer class at the University of North Georgia in Dahlonega, Georgia.   I decided to get a jump on things as has 90% of the rest of my senior class, although many have chosen different schools.  Luckily, my summer semester only consists of one class, which gives me plenty of time to focus on my main endeavor, which is to spread the message of Autism Awareness to the world.  While most of my work in my single class is very time-consuming, I’m still able to get the stuff that needs my attention completed.  The work comes in copious amounts every week, which makes me worried for my full Fall Semester classes.  My Fall Semester will start in late August, and I’m only partially looking forward to it.  It’s still my first year in college, so there’s a bunch of adjusting that needs to be done, and an even bigger learning curve than there was for high school.

On a side note, my best friends and I are starting to hang out more and more this summer, because I think the realization that we may not be spending as much time with each other soon scares us, but we’ve all agreed that we’ll be keeping in touch as often as possible.

Lastly, I’d like to apologize to those who have frequently visited this site between now and the time of my last post.  This site has some old content that REALLY needs to be updated.  The end of the year has taken a toll on me; I still can’t believe that I’ve finished high school.  I promise to start keeping this blog a little more up to date, and most importantly, to post more frequently.  As always, thank you for the continued support, and we hope to start accomplishing greater things in the future.