On Rocks…

By: Will Barrett

We all have lights in our lives; the ones that either guide us, shed light on the things that matter, and make us feel good about how our lives are going right now. We even have “apples of our eyes,” someone that we cherish and admire, be it a loved one or a crush. Originally an idiom for “pupil of my eye,” its true origins come from Old English days, where it started out as the “aperture at the centre of the human eye.” Not quite as romantic when saying it to your significant other, and chances today are she’s not going to know what the heck you’re saying.

Then we have our rocks. We all have one – be it a trustworthy someone you can always depend on regardless of what happens. I’m sure you can tell me who your rock is right now. Your mom, a sibling, a child maybe, even a best friend. I think the point of these rocks is to keep our feet planted on solid ground, remind us who we are and all we stand to lose. We also have rocks that we are forced to bear because of the bad choices that we make, also serving as reminders of what we lost from where we stood, and just how far we fell from grace.

Two men who understand this more than anybody you can name come from Greek mythology: Atlas and Sisyphus.

Sisyphus was the king of Ephyra, and was found guilty for trying to boost his own agenda through deceit and underhandedness. Zeus punished him by imprisoning him in Tartarus and forcing him to roll a boulder up a hill. Every time he neared the top, the boulder would fall back down to the bottom and he’d have to start all over again. He was mandated to do this for eternity.

Atlas, on the other hand, got the worst deal of them all. Being a Titan himself, he sided with the Titans in the war between the Olympians. After their defeat, instead of just sending him to Tartarus with the rest of the lot, Zeus tasked him to stand at the western area of the earth, and hold the heavens for eternity – to which he served as the celestial axis around which the heavens revolved. Being the Titan of endurance and strength doesn’t do you any favors when you’re literally carrying the weight of the heavens and earth on your shoulders.

While these are good examples, we must remember that they are still myths. As Christians, we have the greatest rock of all – THE Rock (sorry Dwayne Johnson). Consider 1 Peter 2:5, which says “You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (ESV). Yes, the Rock is who we lean on spiritually, but don’t forget that God puts certain people in your life for a reason as well, perhaps to be your worldly rock.

I’m sure at times we feel like Atlas, bearing more weight than we can carry. Maybe we feel more like Sisyphus, tediously pushing a boulder up a mountain we know will fall back down again. The point is, rocks will either keep you grounded, or hold you down. The only difference to our examples here is that we have the choice to let go of the ones that hold us down. Having autism, I believe it’s crucial for me to have a rock, one that can keep both my feet on the ground. My rock doesn’t hold me down in that sense, and while she serves as my rock, I don’t call her “rock.” I call her “mom.”

Who is your rock? Give them a call. Tell them thank you for being there for them. And to the future apple of my eye, wherever she is now, to paraphrase Randy Newman, you’ve got a rock in me.

On Filters…

By: Will Barrett

I should preface this by saying this is a heavy subject… Most of the things I think about tend to be, because my brain goes deep into thought. Sometimes it’s a profound answer to a pressing issue, and other times it’s a bitter pill to swallow, but I’d rather tell the truth if nothing else.

Having autism, I have the hardest time socializing in today’s society. I believe it puts a lot of pressure on people, and sometimes that pressure can be terrifying and overwhelming to an autistic kid, and even worse for an autistic young adult. Let’s be perfectly frank with each other – this world is in a mess right now; pandemics and economics aside, it’s as though talking to people is more of a chore than it should be.

I understand that the world isn’t always in black-and-white, but there exists a lot of gray area. I find myself literally trying to dissect and deduce a person’s personal beliefs and viewpoints within the first few minutes of conversation before I move past small-talk. I feel like Sherlock Holmes, except not as accurate. Once I have an idea about them, I try to filter everything I say around them to avoid causing offense. The problem I have with this is the more I filter what I have to say, the more deconstructive and limited the conversation becomes. Needless to say, I don’t do well with filters, and some would argue that I don’t do well without filters. My opinion is the more filters you apply in a conversation, you leave less and less room for the truth.

I’m probably stepping into it here, but I see it happen the most in Christianity, more specifically Prosperity and/or Cultural Christianity. Without dropping names, I know of leaders in church settings that either misinterpret the writings of Paul, as Peter predicted would happen to his writings (2 Peter 3:16), or who purposefully take the Bible out of context to fit their teaching. These days, it’s more about “grace” than anything else, and while grace is a prime ingredient in God’s love for us, that is not the extent of the Gospel.

I think we need more people in this world who are willing to speak the unfiltered truth. Wrong does not become right even if it’s accepted by a majority, and lies do not become truth even if they’re accepted by a majority. When I think about what Ausometistic stands for, I have no choice but to tell the unfiltered truth. The day I become more selective with the facts about my autism is the day less questions are answered. Facts are facts, and I’m not always going to say something that will make you feel particularly happy or good. Would you rather have someone tell you part of the truth, or all of it?

Fall, Family, and Football

By: Will Barrett

Fall is the happiest time in the South, especially October; every big sport is on at this time (college football, basketball, baseball), the temperature gets to that perfect medium where it’s not too hot or cold,  you can start wearing flannel shirts and be comfortable again, the leaves start changing colors…  I could keep going if I choose.  Not only is Halloween coming right up, but Thanksgiving is also around the corner, which means you can stuff yourself with some of Grandma’s best cooking, and the biggest holiday of them all, Christmas, will sneak up on you like a fat man in red fleece (no offense to Santa).  Girls around this time also fuel their pumpkin spice addictions with complicated coffee drinks, and Starbucks starts swimming in cash.

Other than perfect weather and college football, what’s the most important reason to love fall?  Think about it, the dropping temperature makes us seek warmth and comfort, the major American holidays have us all gathering around the dinner table, the turkey, mostly the Christmas tree, and at the end of December, we’ve given each other gifts that had thought put into it, gifts that show how much we appreciate and love each other… That, I believe, is what fall (and winter) is really about, bringing families closer together.  A lot of times we take it for granted, and we forget the most important thing in our lives is not how far you can get in your careers and how fast, it’s not how far you can get in the rat race for success, it’s always about coming home to the people that you love – it could be your mother, maybe your wife and children.  Regardless, they shouldn’t take second place to your own ambitions and desires.

We have a tradition in our family that we recently started: every Sunday afternoon, my family will get together in our house and eat.  It’s like a mini-Thanksgiving if you think about it. Everyones’ happy, laughing, telling stories, just having a good time in general.  Why on earth would anybody ever ruin something like this?  As a man with autism, I’ve found that to be one of the most confusing things about people: whether purposefully or inadvertently, they go out of their way to destroy something as precious as a family.  You can make every excuse you want, but the truth, no matter how you spin it, is that it’s just selfish.  Don’t ever take your family for granted, because if you start loosening your grip on it, it could slip between your fingers before you realize it.

God bless, and from all of us here in the South, Happy Fall Y’all!

Fundamental Attribution Error

Why do so many people make so many snap judgements?

I have been a victim of so many snap judgements, as I’m sure a lot of you have been.  There’s a reason we all do, and social psychology has narrowed it down to Fundamental Attribution Error, which is the concept that we instinctually judge others based on their actions or character, not the external factors or circumstances.  That seems to happen a lot in the world, and I think it’s one of society’s biggest problems: we live in a world that makes too many snap judgements, and we’re too quick to jump to conclusions about someone or something.

Consider this: the first impression.  It can be intimidating sometimes, feeling like you have to prove your worth to others in order to be accepted.  I find it to be a little demanding and choosy, don’t you?  Sometimes, because of Fundamental Attribution Error, we often neglect the circumstances involved when we meet someone for the first time; we fail to think outside that box of one-on-one conversation and consider what’s going on (or what has already transpired) outside that area.  If you try to engage in a conversation with someone who is in a less than pleasant mood, perhaps someone already got under his skin a few minutes prior to meeting you.  In that case, he just needs a little time to cool down.  Suppose someone cuts you off on the road.  Naturally, you’d be irritated, but we always assume it’s because he’s a jerk.  Maybe his dog was being a handful while he was trying to drive.

Yeah it’s hard to not get irritated when something like this happens to us, but it might be because we focus a little too much on how the present affects us instead of how it also affects those around us.  Circumstances are not always on our side, they’re not on anybody’s side most of the time, which is why we need to quit jumping to the first conclusion about someone that pops into our heads, and start getting on the same page with each other.  Don’t make that first impression the defining point of someone’s character, let their actions in more than one setting tell you who they really are.

The Georgia Autism Center

I have to admit that I was completely unaware that there was an actual autism center within driving distance of me.  That changed when a fateful shirt order, the biggest one we’ve had so far, arrived in my inbox, and when I read the address, I knew for certain this was a sign from God.

For the Georgia locals reading, the Georiga Autism Center (GAC) is in Alpharetta, located in a commercial district on Wetherburn Rd, next to the Hope Dental Group.

Since they’re local, and since their mission is so near and dear to my heart, I bundled up their shirt order and drove myself down there to hand-deliver it (people always seem to appreciate the personal touch that comes with it).  They’re not just exclusive to autism, this team of professionals works with relating cases that share similar symptoms of autism, such as attention developmental (hyperactivity) disorder (ADHD), and various learning disabilities and developmental delays.  And I’ve recently learned that they don’t just see children, but they see adults as well!

There’s an African proverb I read not too long ago that read, “If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.”  I fully believe that if we – as advocates for autism – are going to take people’s understanding of autism to new levels that we haven’t reached before, it won’t happen by individual efforts going in separate directions, but only by coming together and moving forward as a team will our dream be achieved.  I also believe that God has His hand in all the recent events that have transpired and am looking forward to working alongside the amazing team at the Georgia Autism Center.

My New Years Resolution and Passion 2019


I hope you all had a merry Christmas and very happy New Year.  At the time of filming this video, I am just getting back from the Passion Conference in Atlanta with my church, and this was my first time attending Passion.  For those of you who don’t know what it is it’s a Christian organization that started back in 1997, which is when I was born, and the audience is typically young adults between the ages of 18-25.  We get together and listen to all these famous speakers give sermons and give their testimonies, and all these contemporary Christian bands come and perform for us.

This was my first time going to Passion and I had an outstanding time.  We got to hear amazing sermons with solid messages and great bands and singers like Tasha Cobbs Leonard, Crowder, and of course, Passion Band and Passion City Band.  There were a few more groups whose names I can’t remember, but they were all solid performances.  I’ve actually already bought tickets for Passion 2020 over New Years at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta.

But that’s not what this video is about: this video is about what we’re going to be doing now that 2019 is upon us.  Everyone makes a New Years Resolution, and the point is for us to be better versions of ourselves that we were last year.  My resolution is the same: to be honest, we’ve been moving slowly ever since we started AUSOMETISTIC, but no more slouching.  This year, we’re picking up the pace.

I’m going to be much more active on YouTube, and on social media, so make sure you like, subscribe, and follow our pages if you haven’t already done that, I’ll leave links in the description box below.  We’re going to be making some big moves this year, and I’m going to make it my goal to make big things happen this year.  I’m not going to do something half-heartedly again, if I’m going to do it, I’m going to give it 150%.  The reason is is because I’m essentially bored with being lazy.  I am now too lazy to be lazy.  Quite a paradox, I know, but it’s true.

Because it’s a new year, we’re going to a new format: a few times a week or more, we’re going to post a new video.  Mom and I will be uploading new content, and what we would like for you to do, is to start asking questions in the comment section.  Absolutely anything, comment it on our Instagram, Facebook, our Twitter that we will soon be starting up, and we’re going to pick a question to dedicate a whole video to, and we will give you the entire spill on autism from our perspective.  I’ll be sharing stuff from my own personal experiences, and if it’s a question that I really can’t or don’t know how to answer, my mom will be taking over for those.  And trust me when I say this, she’ll give you a LOT of information.  She does better research than the FBI, just saying.

If we don’t get to your question right away, be patient with us, we promise to answer ALL of your questions.  And don’t limit yourself to asking just one, if you have more than one, fire away.  But that’s all I’ve got to say right now for the time being.  I am super tired right now so I’m probably going to take a nap.  Anyway don’t forget to like and subscribe, and Happy belated New Years!

Speaking at Eagle Nation


So I did something on November 5th that was new to my speaking career: I spoke to two different groups of college students at Georgia Southern University.  This was the first time my audience only consisted of people my age and students like myself.  I was able to interact with them and relate to them on a personal level.  We had many of the same interests, and were able to talk about current trends happening in our demographic. They presented new questions for me to answer, and I learned a lot from them.  I’m confident the feeling was mutual.

I have enjoyed and appreciated the company of my previous audiences as well because being exposed to a more diverse audience is a good growth experience for me.  The conversations with older adults all have taught me something that can help prepare me for life.  Also, I learn what interests, and sometimes mystifies them about autism.  Thank God my mom continues to push me out of my comfort zone. One should never stop learning.

Georgia Southern (GSU) in Statesboro, GA is about 4 hours away from our hometown in Gainesville.  My first speech was that morning at 9:00, and I was speaking to a classroom  for rehabilitation therapy. The second speech was at 5:00, and it was for an organization called STRA (also students of rehabilitation therapy). The students and the members of STRA have chosen this field of study because they believe in the strength and determination of others.  They are devoting their lives to helping and encouraing others to achieve goals and to succeed. I admire their compassion and kindness.  It was an inspiring experience for me, and again, I’m confident the feeling was mutual.

I want to thank Haley for inviting me, and the students for their interest.  I also want to thank some awesome friends for showing up to support me.  Jackson, it was great to see you.  And Drew, your enthusiasm and friendship are unending, and I appreciate you making that trip.  You are one of a kind.

I am writing this over Thanksgiving break, and publishing it a day after.  While this is coming a day late, I would still like to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving, and don’t forget to check out and subscribe to our YouTube channel!  I recently learned that aside from Google, YouTube is the largest and most commonly used search engine in the world.  With all of the attention going to YouTube, why wouldn’t I get involved in that?  So be on the lookout for new videos coming to my channel.  It is also called AUSOMETISTIC. I would greatly appreciate your support by subscribing to our YouTube Channel.

I’ve Struck Gold in Dahlonega


Dahlonega has become my home away from home.  The treks that I have to make to class make leg days at the gym obsolete, and the surplus of familiar faces from North Hall evenly matches the new faces at UNG.  Even though I commute back and forth to campus four days a week, the hospitality of my friends both old and new never ceases to amaze me.  Even though their dorms are about as claustrophobic as a broom closet, they always make room for me.

I’ve made some incredible connections up here already, not just among classmates and other students, but faculty-wise as well.  I drop by their offices every opportunity I get.  Their advice on handling college, as well as the opportunities they offer me to expand my career is appreciated more than they know.

Other than the friends who’ve dug their roots in the Gold Rush college town of Georgia, other friends from other colleges across the Peach State often visit to soak in the at-home feeling UNG gives to everyone (partly because UNG is right next-door to the town we all grew up in).

I’ve also had the pleasure of working with some of the most respectable gentlemen on campus, as well as the prettiest group of ladies.  Recently, the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity and Phi Mu sorority came out to participate in our latest photoshoot for our new product line.  Since then, they’ve been making their support of our organization known, spreading the word, and for that I am grateful beyond measure.

In essence, Dahlonega, Georgia has been good to me, as I’m sure the other college towns where my friends reside has been good to them too.  When I first started college, I would’ve told you off the bat that I missed high school.  If you asked me now, I would tell you differently.  I’m having a blast so far, both in school, and in life in general.

A New Beginning

It has been a wild and crazy summer.  College has startedimg_0805, and this is how an empty nest feels – quiet and boring.  Even the dog is bored.  I knew things would slow down after graduation, but I had no idea it would come to a screeching halt.  Other than the sound of the washing machine or dryer, I swear I hear crickets chirping.  I know Will is having a great time at the University of North Georgia. I also know that he is studying and working diligently to make good grades.  He took one class this summer, and made an “A.”  Now he has a full course load, and so far, things are looking great.  Although I miss having Will here, I know he’s having a good time and meeting a lot of new people.  This is the time he has been preparing for since kindergarten.  Apparently, I didn’t prepare myself.  Just knowing Will is thriving, learning, and having fun makes this mom very happy.